ordinary-october Dan Soper Dan Soper

Compositions & Arrangements

Listed on this page are several of my compositions, as well as Hymn arrangements and music I’ve typeset. Anything on this page may be freely downloaded and reproduced for performance. I’d be glad to know of any performances. Some of the compositions here haven’t ever been performed (for example Composition Competition entries). If there’s anything you would like to perform which is listed but without a PDF, let me know and I’ll see if I can get it.



A cry in the night (SATB + Organ) (August-September 2013)  File PDF (more)

Before Action (SATB + Organ) (August 2018)  File PDF (more)

Blessed are all that fear the Lord (SSAATBB) (January 2005)  File PDF (more)

Blessed be that maid Marie (SSAATTBB) (April 2012)  File PDF (more)

Chants (various) (SATB) (2000-2001) (more)

Coldness and Stone (SATB) (July 2011)  File PDF (more)

God of all creation (SAMen + Org) (March 2021)  File PDF (more)

How beautiful upon the mountains (SATB) (April 1997) (more)

Hymn Tune: Christ in Glory (December 2008)  File PDF (more)

Hymn Tune: Christmas with Christ (December 2009)  File PDF (more)

Hymn Tune: Salvation's Song (September 2011)  File PDF (more)

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Fauxbourdons) (SSA + Organ) (December 2012)  File PDF (more)

Matin Responsory (SATB (+ div, + 3 S solo)) (August 2013)  File PDF (more)

Now the green blade riseth (SSAATB + S + Org) (February 2003) (more)

Omnes amici mei (SATB) (February 2019)  File PDF (more)

Reproaches (ATB) (March 2021)  File PDF (more)

Reproaches (SATB) (March 2022)  File PDF

Requiem Aeternam (SATBSATB) (February 2005) (more)

Saepe Expugnaverunt (SSAATTBB + Organ) (November 2004) (more)

The First Nowell (SATB (with some divisi) + Organ) (September/October 2017)  File PDF (more)

The Good Friday Passion (SSAATB + soloists) (March 2011 and 2014)  File PDF (more)

The Good Shepherd (SATB) (March 2013)  File PDF (more)

Thou hast been a strength to the poor (SATB + Sax + Organ) (March 2021) (more)

Veni Sancte Spiritus (SSAATB + 2 soloists) (June 2012)  File PDF (more)

Victimae Paschali Laudes (SSAA + Organ) (April 2012)  File PDF (more)

What does the Lord thy God require (SATB (or 2-part) + Organ) (January 2011) (more)

When the Lord comes (SSATTB) (December 2006)  File PDF (more)


Blues (Sop / Piano) with words by W.H. Auden (November 2003)

Fugue (Piano) (April 2004)

Passacaglia for Small Orchestra (February 2005)

Short Fanfare on Victimae Paschali Laudes (Organ) (April 2011)  File PDF

The Lord Lieutenant's Royal Fanfare (Organ) (May 2012)

Varietates Novem (Theme & 9 Variations) (Piano Duet) (May 2005)


Bach / Elgar Fantasia & Fugue in C minor (for smaller orchestra) (June 2004)

Beatles Blackbird (Organ) (April 2013)

Procul Harum A whiter shade of pale (Organ) (December 2012)

Saint-Saëns Danse Macabre (Organ Duet) (March 2000)

Saint-Saëns Symphony no. 3 "Organ", last movement, abridged (Organ) for Tom & Isabel (August 2009)

Stanford Kyrie in C (SATB + Organ) from Stanford settings in C, for use with the Mass in C (January 2007)  File PDF

Williams The Raiders March (Raiders of the Lost Ark) (Organ) for Annie & Chris (May 2010)

Hymn Arrangements / Descants / Last-verse Harmonies

Be still (SATB harmony and Organ part) (February 2011)

Beauty for Brokenness (SATB harmony and Organ part) (June 2012)

Blaenwern (Love Divine) (Last-verse harmony) (May 2022)  File PDF

Camberwell (At the name of Jesus) (SATB harmony, Organ part, Last-verse harmony and short descant) (June 2009)

Caswall (Glory be to Jesus) (Last-verse harmony) (March 2017)  File PDF

Diademata (Crown him with many Crowns) (Last-verse harmony) (April 2011)  File PDF

Gather us in (Here in this place) (Organ part) (July 2011)

Gerontius (Praise to the holiest) (Last-verse harmony) (September 2011)  File PDF

God Rest you, merry Gentlemen (SSAATB version of end of Willcocks descant for unaccompanied use) (December 2003)

Gott will's machen (Saints of God) (Descant / harmony) (July 2022)  File PDF

Hark the Herald (Trumpet and Last-verse harmony) (December 2005)  File PDF

Hereford (O thou who camest from above) (Descant / harmony) (August 2011)  File PDF

Hyfrydol (Alleluya, sing to Jesus) (Last-verse harmony) (May 2022)  File PDF

In bread we bring you lord (SATB and Organ, anthem-style) (September 2008)  File PDF

It came upon the midnight clear (SSATB version of end of Willcocks descant for unaccompanied use) (December 2003)

Lord of the years (Lord, for the years) (Descant / harmony) for Rochester Cathedral Girl Choristers at my last service as their director (October 2010)

Marching (Descant) (September 2011)

Old Yeavering (Like a mighty river flowing) (Piano & Organ duet, through-written) (October 2010)

Regent Square (Descant) (April 1997)

Regent Square (Last-verse harmony) (August 2022)  File PDF

Salva Festa Dies (Hail thee, Festival Day) (SATB harmony for procession) (April 2010)

Sine Nomine (For all the Saints) (Descant / harmony) (October 2023)  File PDF

The Servant King (From heaven you came, helpless babe) (Organ part) (July 2011)

Westminster (Last-verse harmony) (August 2022)  File PDF

Zither Carol (Girls and boys) (Organ part) (December 2009)

Editions / Typesetting

Byrd In Resurrectione tua (March 2004)

de Severac Tantum Ergo (January 2009)

Farmer Lord's Prayer (September 2011)  File PDF

Giles Te Deum (March 2005)

Mozart Alleluia (April 2009)  File PDF

Plainsong Ingrediente Domino (March 2021)  File PDF

Plainsong Responses (March 2007)

Purcell M&N in B flat (July 2006)  File PDF

Purcell O God, thou art my God (July 2006)  File PDF

Purcell Remember not, Lord, our offences (October 2004)

Schubert Mass in G (no Benedictus or Credo yet) (December 2010)

Stanford Sanctus from Communion in B flat (November 2004)

Tallis Responses (May 2009)